Udall Center Fellows Program
Since its launch in 1990, the Udall Center has hosted 184 University of Arizona faculty fellows. These scholars have represented 51 schools, departments and centers in 13 colleges (jump to list below).
From the start, the purpose of the program has been to encourage high-quality scholarly work on aspects of public policy. The number of disciplines represented reveals the breadth of public-policy work on campus. From the arts to astronomy. Sociology to hydrology. Law to public health. Psychology to mathematics. Faculty from all these fields—and more—have participated.
The program offers a semester off from normal teaching, thus allowing for creative scholarship and pursuit of funds.
For 2025-26 we have partnered with the UArizona's BIO5 Institute, the Arizona Institute for Resilience (AIR), and the Office of Research, Innovation and Impact (RII) to offer specialized tracks for research involving a public policy dimension.
Learn more about our 2025-26 Udall Center Fellows Program Tracks here!
If you are interested in applying, the process is not complicated and will not take much of your time. The deadline to apply is January 31, 2025.
For more information, please contact Laura López-Hoffman at lauralh@arizona.edu.
Listen to what some former Fellows have to say about their experience:

Celeste Gonzales de Bustamante
Associate Professor, School of Journalism (2011-12)
"The Udall Center fellowship enabled me to finish a research project, publish several articles, and apply for additional funding that helped catapult my research to another level. I urge any faculty who have a research project that has a public-policy component to consider applying.”

Christopher Cokinos
Associate Professor, Department of English (2014-15)
“The fellowship was crucial to me as a nonfiction writer coming from the humanities; being able to interface with policy put me into a network. It was not only a gift of time, but a gift of other people’s intellectual skills helping me with my project.”

David J. Schmidtz
Professor, Department of Philosophy (1997-98)
“It was a pivotal moment in my career. I needed time to think. I was exposed to lines of research that I probably would not have come across if not for the interdisciplinary Udall Center environment for which I have had great respect for ever since.”

Edella Schlager
Professor, School of Government and Public Policy (1994-95 and 2005-06)
“I am really lucky because I have been a fellow twice. Both times the experience was really special. . . . The Udall Center provided me with a lot of opportunities. I got to participate in all its many different activities.”

Karl Flessa
Professor, Department of Geosciences (2002-03)
“My interests have evolved over time and I became interested in the intersection of science and policy. I had the opportunity to think about how the two were influencing each other. I learned how to speak policy.”

Connie Woodhouse
Professor, School of Geography and Development (2010-11)
“I developed a curriculum for a certificate program connecting science and decision making—an interdisciplinary program that bridged the physical and social sciences. I got really excellent feedback, which was what I really, really needed.”

Linda Lumsden
Associate Professor, School of Journalism (2015-16)
“The time enabled me to apply for grants to spend time at various archives and for a book contract—all of which I received. It’s seldom that you have the time to apply for these sorts of grants and programs and the fellowship did just that for me.”

Jeffrey Banister
“The fellowship allowed me to regroup and refocus on my dissertation research. A UA art historian and I put together a collaborative research proposal to the American Council of Learned Societies—which we got. So I was actually able to leverage the Udall Center support.”

Sallie Marston
Professor, School of Geography and Development (1990-91 and 2015-16)
“I’ve been a Udall Fellow twice—once the first year of the program and again last year. Both times the experience has been fantastic; it affords you freedom—freedom from all the little things that stop you from getting any work done. . . . The first time, I produced a brand new project. The second time, I was able to write two grant proposals, one of which is still pending. I would say, ’Apply!’”
For additional information, please email Laura López-Hoffman at lauralh@arizona.edu.
Access Application Materials
The Udall Center Fellows Program is supported by RII (Research, Innovation and Impact), the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, the College of Fine Arts, the Arizona Institute for Resilience, and the Udall Center.
Leslie Farland
Associate Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics;
Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
Jason Jurjevich
Assistant Professor, School of Geography, Development & Environment;
College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Jessica Rainbow
Associate Professor, Advanced Nursing Practice and Science Division;
College of Nursing
Robin Reineke
Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Southwest Center;
College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Elaine Romero
Associate Professor, School of Theatre, Film & Television;
College of Fine Arts
Lisanne Skyler
Professor, School of Theatre, Film & Television;
College of Fine Arts
Susan Brewer-Osorio
Assistant Professor, Latin American Studies;
School of Government and Public Policy
Leah Durán
Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies;
College of Education
Linda Green
Professor, Anthropology;
School of Anthropology
Chris Impey
Distinguished Professor of Astronomy & Astronomer, Steward Observatory;
Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory
Yuri Makino
Associate Professor, Associate Director of School of Theatre, Film and Television;
School of Theatre, Film & Television
Michael Mulcahy
Associate Professor, Film and Television Program;
School of Theatre, Film & Television
Jennifer Roth-Gordon
Associate Professor, Anthropology;
School of Anthropology
Beth Tellman
Assistant Professor;
School of Geography, Development & Environment
Jonathan Bean
School of Architecture
Jamie Edgin
Department of Psychology
(now at Virginia Tech)
David Pietz
Department of History
Sergio Puig
James E. Rogers College of Law
Jennifer Earl
School of Sociology
(now at University of Delaware)
Mark Kear
School of Geography, Development and Environment
Orhon Myadar
School of Geography, Development and Environment
(now at University of Hawai'i at Mānoa)
Ricardo Valerdi
Department of Systems & Industrial Engineering
Elizabeth Baldwin
School of Government and Public Policy
Greg Barron-Gafford
School of Geography, Development and Environment
Rochelle "Shelley" Rodrigo
Department of English
Louise Roth
School of Sociology
Thomas Sheridan
Southwest Center and
School of Anthropology
Laura Bakkensen
School of Government and Public Policy
Megan Carney
School of Anthropology
George Frisvold
Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics
Jeffrey Kucik
School of Government and Public Policy
Corey Abramson
School of Sociology
Kevin Anchukaitis
School of Geography, Development and Environment
Melanie Hingle
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Christopher Weber
School of Government and Public Policy
Brian Mayer
School of Sociology
Susan Swanberg
School of Journalism
Melissa Tatum
James E. Rogers College of Law
Valerie Trouet
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
Doaqin Tong
School of Geography, Development and Environment
(now at Arizona State University)
Alex Cronin
Department of Physics
Linda Lumsden
School of Journalism
Sallie Marston
School of Geography, Development and Environment
Christopher Cokinos
Department of English
Sapana Doshi
School of Geography, Development and Environment
Don Falk
School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Tracey Osborne
School of Geography, Development and Environment
Jeffrey Banister
Southwest Center and
School of Geography, Development and Environment
Patrisia Gonzales
Mexican American Studies Program
Jay Hmielowski
Department of Communication
(now at Washington State University)
Jeannine Relly
School of Journalism
Kevin Kemper
School of Journalism
(now at Univ. of Oklahoma)
Christopher Scott
Maurice K. Goddard Chair of Forestry and Environmental Conservation
Penn State University
Susan Shaw
School of Anthropology
Carl Bauer
School of Geography, Development and Environment
Celeste Gonzales de Bustamante
School of Journalism
(now at University of Texas, Austin)
Julia Cole
Environmental/Climate Scientist Professor
University of Michigan
Don Grant
Department of Sociology
(now at the University of Colorado Boulder)
Benedict Colombi
American Indian Studies Program
Sandy Dall'erba
School of Geography, Development and Environment
(now at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Connie Woodhouse
School of Geography, Development and Environment
Keiron Bailey
College of Education
Anna Bremen
Department of Economics
(now at Swedbank)
Ronald Breiger
Department of Sociology (now School of Sociology)
David Cuillier
School of Journalism
Joshua Guetzkow
Department of Sociology
(now at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Gary Paul Nabhan
Southwest Center
David Breshears
School of Natural Resources and the Environment and
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Kraig Beyerlein
(now at Univ. of Notre Dame)
Terry Daniel
Department of Psychology and
School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Reid Fontaine
Psychology, Policy, and Law
(now at Duke Univ.)
Mimi Nichter
Department of Anthropology
Mary Poulton
Mining and Biological Engineering
Jeffrey Sallaz
Department of Sociology (now School of Sociology)
Marcela Vásquez-León
Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology | Latin American Studies
Thomas Christiano
Department of Philosophy
Don Grant
Department of Sociology
(now at the University of Colorado Boulder)
Dale Kunkel
Department of Communication
V. Spike Peterson
Political Science
Margaret Wilder
Center for Latin American Studies and
Department of Geography and Regional Development (now School of Geography, Development and Environment)
Kristin Kanthak
Political Science
(now at Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Lane Kentworthy
Sociology (now School of Sociology)
William McCallum
Edella Schlager
Public Administration and Policy (now School of Government and Public Policy)
Connie Beck
Joseph Galaskiewicz
Department of Sociology (now School of Sociology)
John Kupfer
Department of Geography and Regional Development (now School of Geography, Development and Environment)
(now at Univ. of South Carolina)
Robert Varady
Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy
Kathy Powers
Department of Political Science
(now at Univ. of New Mexico)
Therese Markow
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and
Center for Insect Science
(now at Univ. of California-San Diego)
Beth Mitchneck
Department of Geography and Regional Development (now School of Geography, Development and Environment)
Charles Ragin
Departments of Sociology and Political Science
(now at Univ. of California-Irvine)
Karl Flessa
Department of Geosciences
Linda Molm
Elizabeth Willott
Linda Darling
Department of History
Suzanne Dovi
Department of Political Science
Linda Green
Department of Anthropology
J.E. de Steiguer
School of Natural and Renewable Resources
Richard Eaton
Don Grant
Department of Sociology
(now at the University of Colorado Boulder)
H. Brint Milward
Public Administration and Policy (now School of Government and Public Policy)
Laura Tabili
Department of History
Allen Buchanan
(now at Duke University)
Julia Clancy-Smith
John Garcia
Political Science
(now at Univ. of Michigan)
Katherine Morrissey
Department of History
Charles Smith
Near East Studies
Martha Conklin
Hydrology and Water Resources
(now at Univ. of California-Merced)
David Gibbs
Department of Political Science
(now in Department of History)
Alice Schlegel
W. James Shuttleworth
Hydrology and Water Resources
David Wilkins
Political Science
(now at Univ. of Minnesota)
Susan L. Craddock
Women's Studies & Geography
(now at Univ. of Minnesota)
Jennifer L. Croissant
Culture, Science, Technology and Society
(now in Gender and Womens Studies)
Kevin E. Lansey
Civil Engineering
Calvin Morrill
(now at Univ. Of California-Berkeley)
Keith G. Provan
Public Administration & Policy
Michael L. Rosenzweig
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
David J. Schmidtz
Department of Philosophy
Karen Anderson
Elisabeth Clemens
(now at Univ. of Chicago)
Andrew Comrie
Geography and Regional Development (now School of Geography, Development and Environment)
Alvin Goldman
(now at Rutgers Univ.)
Lisa Graumlich
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research and
Institute for the Study of Planet Earth
(now at Univ. of Washington)
Ken Koput
Management and Policy
Larry Leslie
Higher Education
Thomas Maddock III
Hydrology and Water Resources
Thomas McGuire
Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology
Gordon Mulligan
Geography and Regional Development (now School of Geography, Development and Environment)
Walter Powell
(now at Stanford Univ.)
Thomas Sheridan
Arizona State Museum
(now at UA School of Anthropology and Southwest Center)
Benjamin Wilfond
(now at Univ. of Washington)
Roger Bales
Hydrology and Water Resources
(now at Univ. of California-Merced)
Adele Barker
Albert Bergesen
Department of Sociology (now School of Sociology)
Lucien Duckstein
Systems and Industrial Engineering
Leslie Eldenburg
Roger Fox
Agricultural and Resources Economics
Barbara Gutek
Management and Policy
Laura McCloskey
(now at Indiana Univ.)
Ronald Oaxaca
Department of Economics
Gary Rhoades
Higher Education (now Dept. of Education Policy Studies and Practice)
Victor Baker
Dennis Cory
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Janet Jakobsen
Women's Studies
(now at Barnard College)
Douglas McAdam
(now at Stanford Univ.)
Amnon Rapoport
Management and Policy
Edella Schlager
Public Administration and Policy (now School of Government and Public Policy)
John Schwarz
Political Science
Sheila Slaughter
Higher Education
(now at Univ. of Georgia)
Susan Gonzalez Baker
Public Administration and Policy
Thomas Christiano
Department of Philosophy
Deborah Mathieu
Political Science
Susan Philips
David Snow
(now at Univ. of California-Irvine)
Soroosh Sorooshian
Hydrology and Water Resources
(now at Univ. of California-Irvine)
Thomas Weaver
Chris Demchak
Public Administration and Policy
(now at U.S. Naval War College)
Tamra Pearson d'Estrée
(now at Univ. of Denver)
Michael Hechter
(now at Arizona State Univ.)
Keith Lehrer
Department of Philosophy
Roger Nichols
Lynn Smith-Lovin
(now at Duke Univ.)
Douglas Weiner
Department of History
Ervin Zube
Renewable Natural Resources
Allen Buchanan
(now at Duke Univ.)
Bonnie Colby
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Paula England
(now at New York Univ.)
Debra Friedman
Roger Henderson
Bernard Herber
Bernard Jaworski
(now at Drucker School of Management)
Bruce Sales
(now at Indiana Univ.)
Michael Schaller
Department of History
Lawton Burns
Management and Policy
(now at Wharton)
James Cox
(now at Georgia State Univ.)
Andrew Kirby
Geography and Regional Development (now School of Geography, Development and Environment)
(now at Arizona State Univ.)
Sallie Marston
Department of Geography and Regional Development (now School of Geography, Development and Environment)